...and occasional Photographer

...and occasional Photographer
Puppy in The Village, New York City

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Pumpkin Buns

No, it’s not a cloying endearment. It’s the working title of the dessert I made for Thanksgiving.

And since it’s rather late and I’m suffering from a Turducken coma (yes...my father-in-law succumbed to the barbaric bird-within-a-bird-within-a-bird trend, courtesy of Whole Foods), I think I’ll just give you readers the basics of what I made. Tomorrow I’ll write up a better break-down.

Ooh...I like that: “write up a break-down.” Could be a song lyric...

I digress.

Pumpkin Buns
(Choux buns filled with pumpkin-pie pastry cream severed with nutmeg cream and candied pecans)


Jennifer said...

Yummmmmmmm... These buns may have cause pumpkin overload if eaten with my pumpkin ice cream: http://grizzarkhov.blogspot.com/2007/11/happy-pumpkin-ice-cream-day.html We didn't brave making the candied nuts to go with it as you instructed. I just couldn't take the stress of figuring out what "softball stage" was and if I had reached it. You'll have to walk me through it in person next time.

Unknown said...

You are killing me. Pumpkin buns look so good! Did you make the pastry from scratch? If so, can you send the recipe.

Jen K said...

I'll post the pastry recipe tonight, after Wave II of Thanksgiving ends. :) And yes...from scratch.